Make a difference now

Saturday, May 13, 2006

So every day you do something little that benefits the environment, you don't do it for recognition nor do you do it because it's the law, you do it because you care. You might turn the tap off instead of letting the water run, take the bus, carpool, make five mini-trips into one organized errand trip or you may simply refrain from littering - it doesn't matter how small, the Earth appreciates your efforts.

You may have heard the radio ads, the Ethical Funds Company is sponsoring the Make a Difference Now Campaign to allow eco-friendly Canadians the chance to share what they are doing to help the environment AND potentially be rewarded for their efforts. All entries to the program will be entered in a draw to win an eco-vacation for four valued at up to $20,000.

So why not click over, show that you care about the environment AND get a chance to win an eco-vacation...How cool would that be?

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