the importance of money

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It's not every day that you turn down a position that makes significantly more money than your current position (or at least it is the first time for me). Especially when you have yet to start your current position, but that is JUST what I did today.

I can see from the call display that this is a potential employer calling, however they told me they were hoping to call within a week and it has now been two and a half, so I'm ready for the rejection message and a quick hangup.

After some idle banter that includes telling him I have a new position (as he had called my old place of business and been informed I was no longer an employee) he cautiously asked "So I guess there is no point offering you this position?" I took a moment to be sure, but then replied that I was sorry but unfortunately it was true.

He was understanding, stating that sometimes things are "feast or famine" which is entirely true, since I applied for this particular position all the way back in January.

Now surely you are thinking "girl - your crazy" but the truth is, I had already made this decision when I decided to take on the stewardship & outreach position. Although this job is for a considerable amount of money, the entire position included washing glassware (beakers etc) and acid washing (swirling chemicals such as HCl, acetone etc in the glassware to ensure sterility)...Nope that's it guys. There isn't any more to the job posting, the job is basically cleaning other peoples glassware all day long. Additionally, the job is a minimum 45 minute drive away but much closer to 60-70 minute commute during rush hour.

I'm positive that all those things combined will result in a very miserable granola-girl as cleaning and acid washing in the lab was already one of my least favourite activities.

Since we can afford to live on the lower stewardship salary, my happiness in worth more than money.

Wow..Sometimes being an adult is hard.



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