down by the river

Sunday, April 23, 2006

After arriving home from work yesterday, I quickly realized that I was in need of some serious relaxation. I also decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and my wonderful camera, which resulted in this (and a few other) pictures that I quite like.

river relaxation
Originally uploaded by granola girl :).

Although this photo is not quite as clear as I would like (due to lots of sun and high film speed) I was happy to get a chance to try out the tripod I got for Christmas with my lovely Nikon.

What a beautiful city that I live in - this is less than a 10 minute drive from my home.

In terms of my photo's, I'm a bit of a snob and pretty much ALWAYS get my photo's developed at London Drugs. Of course the people who work there never take as much time adjusting the photos as I did and thus I have been slightly dissapointed in the colour and density of my photos as of late.

So today, I decided to give Shoppers a try. I dropped the photos off on my lunch break and picked them up after work, I got a free cd and mini photo album and it was cheaper than LD. I am happy with the quality of the pics and the the level of service. It's likely I will trust them with my photos again in the future.

I have actually developed another roll of film prior to this one, but only JUST got motivated enough to scan the pics into the computer after getting to see this new batch on the computer so easily. I promise to upload them soon.

Don't forget to check out all my pictures on flickr.


Bald Eagles

Although Eagles generally represent the United States, I have heard that in some areas on the U.S. the populations have declined to the level where anyone who observes an eagle in the wild is required to report the sighting to the government.

Here in the west coast of Canada, the opportunity to view an Eagle in the wild is not quite as rare. There is an Eagle's nest in a tree across the street from where I work AND I pass a second Eagle's nest on my drive home from work each day.

Screen shot (from today)
taken from the forum associated with the site.

If you are interested in Eagles check out the Handcock Wildlife Channel Eagle Eye Live Cam. This is a free live feed of a pair of Eagles and their two eggs (that are anticipated to hatch in the next week) and allows you a close up and personal view of the Eagles. Apparently, this pair has used this same nest--located on private property on Hornby Island--for 19 years.

Look at the Eagles and learn all about them!


Earth Day

Thursday, April 20, 2006

April 22nd is Earth Day

I'm sad to say I have in the past neglected to celebrate Earth Day, but this year at the very least I will remember and respect the importance of such a day. I will probably be volunteering (on my lunchbreak from work) at my local Community Earth Day Celebration demonstrating natural cleaning products. Oh, the irony.

Anyways, I hope that the mussel project stays on schedule and I can afford to leave work for an hour and do this. I also hope that posting this will help motivate me to ensure I volunteer (I imagine it will seal the deal).

I'm off to bed, if you want more information check out the Earth Day Canada Website.

Tags: //

*NEW* Alias tomorrow

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I have been waiting for what seems like FOREVER to see the conclusion of the fifth and final season of ALIAS and tomorrow is the day that the end begins. In this case FOREVER really equates to about four months, as the last new episode aired December 14th, 2005.

This long--and oddly timed--break was of course due to the birth of Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck's new baby girl Violet. I won't get into this whole ordeal, although I will say I can't believe that Jennifer Garner dumped Michael Vartan for Ben Affleck.

But I digress. I got hooked on Alias when I was away at University, I love the kick ass (I hesitate to say "girl-power") attitude, lovely outfits and incredible story-line that makes up this fabulous show.

To mark the return of the final installments of the show, ABC will be airing a 2 hour special from 8-10pm tomorrow evening. Though I will be taping it, do NOT call here during that time as I will be otherwise occupied.

If you have never watched the show, but are sitting around bored, I recommend giving ALIAS a try. You can't really get hooked as there are only a few episodes left, and they are guaranteed to give a good introductory synopsis with enough information to enjoy the show after such a long break.

Trust me...If you like action shows - it will be good!


not sure

Sunday, April 16, 2006

My three year old nephew is currently being potty-trained. To be honest, once he understood what he was supposed to do on the potty, he caught on fast. After only a few short weeks he now often walks into the bathroom to do his business without having to be asked.

Of course we still regularly ask him "is the pee coming" to which he responds appropriately. Yesterday I found myself on the floor playing with both of my nephews when someone realized it had been a while since the older guy had been to the bathroom.

So of course we ask him - "Is the pee coming?

He looks at me and says "no - not coming"

To which I respond, "are you sure?"

He looks me dead in the eye says "not sure" before proceeding to jump on top of me and continuing to play.

J and the rest of the family are now laughing quite hard at both myself and my little buddy. So I decide to ask him again, and I get exactly the same response. Only this time I tell him "I want you to be sure before you jump on me", but this only results in fits of laughter from the surrounding adults.

Fortunately, despite his uncertainty, the pee was NOT coming and we continued to play, rolling around on the ground for quite some time. What fun!



Enviro Fact 1: Soil Nutrients

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Since starting this blog, I have wanted to share random little bits of natural knowledge, but have lacked the motivation and time to get anything organized. BUT I have decided to SLACK NO MORE and grabbed a notebook from school and am prepared to share a very small tidbit of knowledge with you. Hopefully this will become a bit of a trend as I have tons of books, tons of information and tons of knowledge, and you know what they say, "Use it or Lose it" and I am certainly not ok with losing it!

So without further adieu:


  • Parent Material - often in a wet environment due to leaching

  • Dryfall - dust from the atmosphere that is picked up from throughout the world

  • Precipitation

  • Volcanic Ash - can cause worldwide temperature changes

  • Seepage Water - landscapes where water flows to the surface

  • Nitrogen Fixation - N-fixing bacteria provide the nitrates/ammonia that plants require in the soil

Well, hope that satisfies your environmental curiosity for today!


MP is back!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

It's mussel project again so expect the posts to slow down...Unless I get ridiculously motivated! :)

It officially starts on Monday, but we started socking yesterday so that everyone doesn't have to work through Easter weekend.

Although I of course still have to work!

I'm off - starting at 8:00 today!


the inevitable softball debate

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Nearly every year - right around this time I have an important decision to make. I have decide where I want to be play softball and the level of commitment that I am willing to make. I have played on my mixed orthodox team for the past five years and enjoy the laid back (yet slightly competitive) atmosphere of playing with men. I have also played women's fastpitch pretty much as long as I have been old enough to throw a ball.

The issue at hand is relatively simple:

  • Do I want to play on one team or two?

  • If I only want to play on one team, how do I choose?

  • If I play on two teams, which one becomes the primary and which one becomes the secondary?

If I break it down to the pros and cons of each, I still generally end up at the same place - uncertain what the best course of action is.

Mixed Ortho
  • Fun and relaxing atmosphere

  • Men are faster and stronger which makes me work harder and results in a vast improvement of skills

  • I generally get along better with men - they are so much easier to understand

  • Loyalty - I have played on this team for the past five years

  • The field is close to home

  • Beer...mmmm

  • CONS:
  • Regardless how good of a player you are, as a woman you will ALWAYS be in the bottom 30% with respect to skill level - which sucks (this is a fact, please don't try and dispute it with me)

  • Drinking beer sometimes leads to sucky plays and getting your ass kicked

  • I run slow compared to women so I can rarely outrun a ball thrown by a man

Women's Fastpitch
  • I've learned to play shortstop in the past few years and DAMN is it fun to be in the center of the action

  • I can throw harder, faster and more accurately than many other women

  • I consider myself in the top 30% at the house level of ball that I play

  • I can play with friends I have played with since I was about 11

  • CONS:
  • Up to 15 women in one place - competing for 9 positions (that's a lot of estrogen)

  • Women are bitchy (It is a rare occurence to attend a game where at least one woman isn't on a rant about something - myself included)

  • Women complain (A LOT & about everything & anything)

  • Women can be self-centered and look out for themselves rather than the team

So, as you can see I'm rather torn (and have felt this way since the last season ended). Over the past few years I have alternated playing just ortho and playing on both. When I only play ortho I feel unfulfilled as I spend much of my time playing first which I can do well, but gets a little boring in all honesty. However, when I play both, I tend to get overtired, overworked and feel like I have to be a million places at once.

I fully intended to give up the girls team this year but I just found out a good friend (and my favourite person to play fastpitch with) is playing on one of our old teams. Since I know some of the girls, I have inquired whether I would be welcome as a part-time player - perhaps committing to only one game a week.

The problem is that the last time I tried to play women's part-time I ended up feeling guilty saying no and was playing two-teams full time. Well, I guess time will tell, but for now I am definitely considering a busy summer full of softball, softball, softball!

Ooh yeah...and one more thing:




Saturday, April 08, 2006

If you have ever been subjected to had the pleasure of watching TV poker tournaments, then you know what "tells" are. The commentators talk about them all the time; tells are the itty bitty movements, motions or sounds that give away a players bluff. Of course it takes great skill to identify your opponents tells and use them to your advantage - it seems fair to say that poker is a game of skill as well as luck.

Now the reason tells are of interest to me at this point is that just yesterday J pointed out OP's bluff to me by way of a tell. OP is the type of cat that likes to pretend he doesn't need you as he rubs up against you. You think he's asking for affection, but it's only attention he wants because when you actually make a move to pet him, nine times out of ten he moves just out of your reach.

little tiger
Originally uploaded by granola girl :).

So yesterday, OP is sitting on the arm of the couch and as J begins to pet him he lifts his head and turns away - he doesn't get up mind you, but he does turn his head away. But J knows the secret, it's not the head you need to watch, but rather the paws. When he is happily enjoying the attention OP contracts his paws. To prove his point, J ignored him a bit then gave him pets in all the places he likes and each time though the rest of his body remained unresponsive, he clenched those little paws.

Ahh...So cute - the cat thinks he's smarter than us.

And because I love both our cats with all my heart, here's a picture of the super cuddly and lovely Mr.Poo.

Caribbean sweet
Originally uploaded by granola girl :).


minus 2

Friday, April 07, 2006

After two years of procrastination, my wisdom teeth and I have finally parted ways. Well, not entirely, they are in a little baggy in my drawer, but they are no longer invading my mouth. I only had the top two wisdom teeth, so perhaps I am more evolved. I have however heard many different opinions on what is the more evolved state when it comes to wisdom teeth, so perhaps we just won't go there.

I was nervous about potentially being awake during the procedure - especially since one tooth had not yet broken through the gums. But I was out like a light within moments of receiving a shot (of who knows what sedative) in my arm and the next thing I knew I was stumbling out of the chair and on my way home.

I'd like to say the entire process was entirely pain free, but it just wouldn't be true. It's nothing I can't handle, but a bit of a dull ache that spreads up my face, especially when I forget to take a pain pill. Which of course happened yesterday when I went back to work. As my morning pill wore off, the pain creeped up towards my temples, but work was over soon enough and I was back home where I could relax and take more drugs.


Theme Song

Monday, April 03, 2006

I'm not really one for favourites, regardless whether it is artists, food or places. I just like to enjoy the life before me without the need for classification. I have however, always wanted to find a song that truly resonates with my being and I think I may just have finally found MY theme song. It's probably no surprise that the song can be found on the new Curious George CD but is was actually written and recorded by Jack Johnson's friend Mr. Ben Harper. On the whole, the CD is great, there are a few "kid-ish" songs, but they are about wonderful things like sharing and recycling, so even those I like.

But I digress, "With My Own Two Hands" is a beautiful song, with a beautiful message. Perhaps if you know me well enough, you will agree that it makes a wonderful theme song.

With My Own Two Hands

I can change the world
With my own two hands
Make it a better place
With my own two hands
Make it a kinder place
With my own two hands
With my own
With my own two hands

I can make peace on earth
With my own two hands
I can clean up the earth
With my own two hands
I can reach out to you
With my own two hands
With my own
With my own two hands

I'm going to make it a brighter place
With my own two hands
I'm going to make it a safer place
With my own two hands
I'm going to help the human race
With my own two hands
With my own
With my own two hands

I can hold you
With my own two hands
I can comfort you
With my own two hands
But you've got to use
Use your own two hands
Use your own
Use your own two hands
Use your own
Use your own two hands
Use your own
Use your own two hands

-Ben Harper

And since you made it this far, why not have a listen...
Bet you can't resist!

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South Park taught me...

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Anybody watch South Park on Friday? If you did you got to see the much talked about "Scientology" episode. I was fortunate enough to watch it the first time it aired, but I needed to watch it a second time to remember anything more than disbelief about scientology.

Not to say that I totally trust South Park as a source for religious information, but seriously, it seemed a little far fetched.

  • An evil lord Xenu collected aliens from all over the universe and froze them before depositing them into the volcanoes of earth?

  • Then as the alien souls floated away from the earth, they were recaptured and sent to a soul-brainwashing facility?

  • Then those brainwashed souls attached to humans and are now the source of all our negative energy and emotions?

Seriously, I'm just not entirely convinced. Although the truth is I'm not entirely convinced--or informed--about any religion at this point in my life.

Of course, in an effort to be more informed I looked up Scientology on Wikipedia. Although I lacked the energy to read the entire article, skimming it confirmed that South Park hadn't particularly elaborated on the "facts".

AND it made me laugh my ass off...


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