back in action

Thursday, January 25, 2007

After MONTHS of procrastination, I finally went and exercised this
week. My hips are aching, my shoulders and chest are tight and my
legs are not particularly enjoying all the trips up and down the
stairs at work...AND I LOVE IT.

I've been trying to get inspired all month, and this week I finally
found the motivation. Well, perhaps motivation isn't the right word.

For the third week in a row my-sister-in-law and I told each other
that THIS WEEK we were going to go back to Kick-Boxing. Monday rolls
around and as per usual, exercise is not on the top of the list. All
day I told myself I was going, but still there was uncertainty.

Then, I spoke to a friend who complained of being sore from working
out and surprisingly I had a tinge of jealousy. I wanted to have that
sore feeling that means you have been working out - I love that
feeling, I find it so satisfying. I really thought that might be the
kick in the ass I needed.

But when I arrived home, tired from standing on the bus the entire way
home with a broken ipod and a mp3 player with a dead battery in my
pocket, I immediately crawled into bed with the hopes of sleeping the
day away.

But I went.
I worked hard.
And Tuesday I hurt.

But on Tuesday, I went and played Wallyball with my friends anyways
(more on this in another post) for the third week in a row.

Wednesday I hurt more.
But the hurt inspired me.
I went to kickboxing anyways.

Today I feel proud.
I'm exercising again.
Yay me!


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