bus-ly inspiration

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I ride the bus a lot now, nearly every day, and though it can occasionally be slow, annoying, sweaty and smelly there are also a few benefits. First, I don't have to drive in traffic, I can listen to my ipod, I can play sodoku puzzles (sometimes), I can sleep and best of all, I can people watch. During my approximately 1hr commute I see a lot of people get on and off the bus and I often find my mind wandering, thinking about what their lives must be like, where they are going, what kind of job they must have - you know, people watching.

I often find myself inspired and composing blog posts in my mind. Unfortunately, when I arrive at work, it turns out I actually need to work and those lovely thoughts often dissipate throughout the day. Why not write them on the bus you ask? I have two responses to that, first off I am prone to motion sickness and have been working my way up to reading. So far I can do sodoku on the way to work, most of the time. I tried writing one day and I had to stop because I felt sick and that lovely feeling stayed with me for the remainder of the bus ride - ick!

Just the other day however, someone or something on the bus must have reminded me of my brother, because I found myself envisioning something a little more substantial than a blog post. I was imagining a book, the lessons my brother has taught me. Please don't misconstrue, my brother is not older and wiser than me, he has not sat me down at the kitchen table and taught me much of anything, but he had a hard time growing up and I was his rock and THAT taught me everything.

I could easily cover a chapter each about love, compassion, strength, courage, morals, anger and of course pain simply by recalling the experiences of our childhood.

Maybe I should.
Maybe I will.


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