DAMN contacts

Monday, July 09, 2007

My eyes fit into the category you could deem "sensitive".  What does this mean exactly?  Well, for me if means that I often have a consiousness for the entirety of the time that I wear my contacts, it means that my eyes get dry and uncomfortable when I wear my contacts, and wose, it means that I get a huge headache when I wear my contacts for prolonged periods of time (read over 4 horus).

It wasn't always this way however, as a teenager I wore my contacts from the moment I awoke, until I was ready to hit the hay.  Perhaps this contrubuted to the current state of my eyes...

Since I started wearing contacts I have tried a multitude of contacts and at least 10 different solutions.  Most recently my eye doctor recommended I try and get away from solutions altogether, and dispensed me some trial dailies to try.

The first time I wore them, the left contact refused to stay in my eye, popping out about 4x in the first 5 minutes.  I could feel an air pocket in the contact and it felt like it kept slipping every time I blinked, which resulted in temporary bluriness.  I had to play softball, so I put some extra drops in my eyes, blinked a few times and decided to make due.

Coincidently - THIS was the day that I caught a softball with my forehead.
I went for my contact lens check in on Friday and quickly recounted my discomforts to the optomotrist.  A quick peek at my eyes and the doctor was able to confirm that not only did the contact NOT fit my eye properly, they were defintley sliding around as I had suspected.  In a flash she came back with different dailies for me to try - I was amazed at the instand boost in clarity I recievd, once the contacts fit my eyes.
Perhaps I shouldn't have beat myself up, QUITE so badly when I missed that damn ball.


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