bus stop etiquette

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I know that I am far from an expert on etiquette - nor do I generally
feel the need to follow such socially defined rules, and yet this
morning I found myself shaking my head as I boarded the bus.

When at a major bus stop that serves many routes, people generally
congregate near the bus stop and there is inevitably some budging,
pushing and shoving as people make their way onto the bus.

When however, you are at a single bus stop that only services a single
bus into town and people are peacefully lined up in the order they
arrived, it is common courtesy to stand at the end of the line and
happily wait for your turn to board the bus - even if that means you
have to stand.

It annoys me even more, when these said people make their way to the
front of the line with the guise of checking the bus schedule, after
which they just happen to be the front of the line to board the bus.
At this point, they avoid eye contact and continually check their
watch as they wait for the bus that they are about to board in front
of all the other passengers at the stop.

What makes these people think they are so special? I hate to be the
bearer of bad news, but people were already waiting patiently, and
though no one had the energy to tell off the bus stop etiquette
offender at my stop this morning (myself included) I know I wasn't the
only one frustrated by this behaviour. There were definitley some
shared smiles and eye rolls. <b>Wait your turn to board the bus, just
like everyone else!</b>


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