New Jobs - All Round!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

I am pleased to announce that some major changes have been happening in my blogging absence. First off, J & I accepted new positions within a day of each other, which is excellent as it means that we both get to start fresh simultaneously. I am looking forward to excitement and happiness all round once we get settled into our new positions, but we will see.

I have actually accepted two jobs, although the second is VERY part-time at only 5 hours every three weeks, but regardless it is a job and I am very happy about it. It is a community position attempting to raise awareness about healthy cooking, eating and nutrition choices within the youth in the community. We hope to achieve this by helping the teens prepare easy, healthy, cost-conscious meals. The only drawback, is that the events take place on Friday evenings between 9pm and 12am - last night was the first shot, and damn am I tired this morning. Thank Goodness for Starbucks!

My other new position will be starting in a few short weeks and involves coordinating a local environmental stewardship and outreach group for the next year. It is very similar to the summer work I used to do and enjoyed immensely. Although the opportunities and pay in this field is a little less than if I continued to pursue my science career, I have come to realize (in the past year and a half) that outreach work, is close to my heart, and I have missed it dearly, so for now, it is worth the sacrifice. (Email me if you want to know more!)

So I am ecstatic to report that I am officially transforming from a science dork back into a COMMUNITY DORK! It feels so good to know that I will once again be making a difference in the community that I live - positively impacting peoples lives and the environment.

Wow, I really am a community dork aren't I?

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