grey clouds & coincidence

Saturday, January 14, 2006

I can't seem to shake the grey cloud that attached itself to me when I was sick with Bells Palsy. It's not so much that I am mean or angry, but rather that I feel very flat with respect to energy. I can't seem to get super fired up and excited about anything, I feel tired all the time and I have been exceptionally moody (for me at least).

Perhaps the 25 consecutive days of rain has something to do with it, but honestly, I don't mind the rain. It's something you learn to live with if your home is in the lower mainland, and it can be beautiful at certain times of day. Not to mention our water resevoirs must be brimming with water at this point, and that is always a good thing.

But I digress, being cranky stinks! I have been (trying to) eat better, take my vitamins and I've been going to kickboxing; isn't eat better and exercise the cure-all answer to the world's problems? I guess not. The last couple days I have been trying to get to bed earlier as it is the only other thing I can think of.

Ahh, well certainly it will pass, these things always do.

On a completely unrelated note...I try and take notice of coincidences in life, some of these incidents seem to have a deeper meaning or even perhaps co-creation at the heart of the event. Others, I just can't seem to figure out.

For example, when I drive to work I often find myself behind Yellow Nissan Xterra within the first block of leaving my house. The first few times, I just thought there was more than one Xterra in the neighbourhood, but then I started to pay attention to the decals on the back...It is definitely the same car.

Now the interesting thing about this car is that not only do I regularly find myself behind the Xterra, I never seem to be able to pass him, mostly just due to the flow of traffic on the way to work. But even more interesting is the fact that he takes the exact same route to work and turns off only 2 blocks before I arrive at work.

Seriously, what are the chances that I end up behind the same car for the majority of my drive to work up to 3 times a week (especially when I only work three normal weekdays)? I'm not even as consistent as I'd like to be when it comes to leaving the house for work. Hmmm...Food for thought I guess.


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