email meme

Saturday, January 27, 2007

1. What time is it? 4:18pm

2. What's your full name? You don't get this one on the blog

3. What are you most afraid of? Nothing like starting with an easy
question - probably losing someone that I truly love...that and the
utter destruction of the planet earth.

4. What is the most recent movie that you have seen in theatre?
Think...think...think...oh I remember it was <b>BORAT!</b>

5. Place of birth? BC

6. Favourite food? Noodles, noodles, noodles - no questions

7. What's your natural hair colour? dark brown that most people call
black (grrrr)

8. Ever been to Alaska? Nope - hopefully I'll make it one day though

9. Ever been toilet paper rolling? I'm too nice for that...and clumsy

10. Yellow or White Gold? White - no contest

11. Been in a car accident? a few...

12. Croutons or bacon bits? Bacon, although truly my number one
salad accessory is CHEESE

13. Favourite day of the week? Probably saturday - day off with my honey

14. Favourite Restaurant? I don't like to pick favourites - the other
places I like might get jealous...I do like CRONOS however, if you
know where that is.

15. Favourite Flower? I appreciate all flowers - UNLESS they are
INVASIVE...then they are the devil, I hate them and will do my best to
kill them.

16. Favourite sport to watch? To watch? hockey i guess

17. Favourite drink? I do love a caramel macchiato as a treat

18. Favourite ice cream? I like good old french Vanilla

19. Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney

20. Ever been on a ship? Ferries lots of time, speed boats a few
times, canoes and kayaks lots...We will be going on a Mediterranean
cruise in September though

21. What colour is your bedroom carpet? NASTY AND OLD

22. How many times did you fail your driver's test? I never failed
my learners or drivers test...and I have both my class 5 and my class

23. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail?
uh...I'm too lazy to look

24. What do you do when you are bored? Read, watch TV, surf the net, blog...

25. Bedtime? usually around 11:15 unless Jon Stewart has a kick
ass guest, then it's 11:30

26. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? Seriously - do
people ever really respond?

27. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to
respond? I'm posting this on my blog and therefore count this
question as N/A

28. Who is the person that you are most curious to see their
responses? see about...N/A

29. Last person you went to dinner with?
Dinner...dinner...dinner - my hubby for sure

30. What is your favourite colour? Still on the orange these days

31. How many tattoos do you have? 3 - I guess, although I kind of
consider them all the evolution of a single tattoo...

32. How many pets do you have? 2 cats, 1 hedgehog and a 65L fish tank

33. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Get over it.

34. What do you want to do before you die? Initiate positive change in
the environment, have kids, see the world...seriously, some of these
questions are just too big.

35. How many people are you sending this e-mail to? Do people really count?

back in action

Thursday, January 25, 2007

After MONTHS of procrastination, I finally went and exercised this
week. My hips are aching, my shoulders and chest are tight and my
legs are not particularly enjoying all the trips up and down the
stairs at work...AND I LOVE IT.

I've been trying to get inspired all month, and this week I finally
found the motivation. Well, perhaps motivation isn't the right word.

For the third week in a row my-sister-in-law and I told each other
that THIS WEEK we were going to go back to Kick-Boxing. Monday rolls
around and as per usual, exercise is not on the top of the list. All
day I told myself I was going, but still there was uncertainty.

Then, I spoke to a friend who complained of being sore from working
out and surprisingly I had a tinge of jealousy. I wanted to have that
sore feeling that means you have been working out - I love that
feeling, I find it so satisfying. I really thought that might be the
kick in the ass I needed.

But when I arrived home, tired from standing on the bus the entire way
home with a broken ipod and a mp3 player with a dead battery in my
pocket, I immediately crawled into bed with the hopes of sleeping the
day away.

But I went.
I worked hard.
And Tuesday I hurt.

But on Tuesday, I went and played Wallyball with my friends anyways
(more on this in another post) for the third week in a row.

Wednesday I hurt more.
But the hurt inspired me.
I went to kickboxing anyways.

Today I feel proud.
I'm exercising again.
Yay me!

sad IPOD

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Have you seen this icon before?

Apple support tells me it is BAD NEWS! Apparently "In most cases, the sad iPod icon indicates a hardware issue." Dammit, Dammit, Dammit!

I'm sad to report that after losing and subsequently finding my ipod this month, it has now kicked the bucket. It displayed the sad icon with the apple support URL for a while, and NOW it won't turn on at all.

I can't remember when exactly I got it, but it doesn't seem that long ago so once I figure that out I will defintely be looking into apple the warranty - I'm guessing it's good for a year, that seems fairly standard.

DAMN TECHNOLOGY - love it when it works, hate it when it doesn't!

Fortunately I have a kind brother, who just so happens to have a spare ipod (hard to believe I know) that he has lent me, so thank goodness I am not riding the bus with only my imagination for company - that could have been lame. :D

New Tattoo!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I got a new tattoo - a hippie blowing a kiss.
I knew that people would inevitably ask why and this is what I came up with.


She is compassionate
And has a heart filled with kindness.

She is pure and innocent,
Naive & sweet.

She is beautiful from the inside out,
And believes in the goodness that exists within.

She treasures honesty and respect,
Truth & loyalty.

She dreams of peace and sustainability,
And believes in a world that is larger than herself.

She has love to give,
And gives it unconditionally.

She is everything I want to be.
She is in me,
She is on me,
We are one.

Discover Scuba

Friday, January 12, 2007

I've wanted to learn SCUBA DIVING for almost as long as I've known what it was. I've always been a water baby - it never mattered if it was a pool, lake or ocean, I always wanted to be in the water. Unless of course it gave me a rash, and although that often happened, it rarely stopped me, rather it just slowed me down a bit.

I remember my Dad's dive gear hanging in our laundry room as a child. I don't actually remember him go diving all that much, but I remember touching his suit and imagining all the wonders of the world beneath the sea.

Despite this obvious desire to take up the sport of SCUBA, the truth is I've been avoiding it: 100% due to economics and funds. It's just over $300 to get certified, but of course you need your own mask and fins, and that's just the beginning. I've avoided doing my PADI Openwater purely because of all the money that it will cost the more I like it.

I even have a very close friend who teaches SCUBA and still, I haven't enrolled.

BUT...Enrollment MAY JUST be in my future.

Last night I had an opportunity to act as a female chaperone for the youth at my local community centre as they took the "Discover Scuba" course.

Discover Scuba is an introductory course that is meant to get you excited about SCUBA. You get a bit of classroom theory, followed by a little bit of time in the pool. I learned about clearing a regulator, clearing a mask, a few hand signals and the like. The cool part is that if you choose to get your PADI openwater you can use Discover Scuba as your first module and they will deduct the price off of your package price... Uh - Oh!

So here's the truth - I LOVED IT...Just like I knew I would. I found the breathing easy (although I constantly have allergies and a stuffed nose, so mouth breathing comes pretty naturally to me), cleared my respirator on the first try and loved swimming around and watching all the swimmers doing laps. I only wish my sinuses weren't clogged and I could have made it to the bottom of the deep end.

They call it DISCOVER SCUBA...and discover scuba I sure did.

getting crafty

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I must be slowly recovering from my sickness as I am once again feeling CRAFTY!

I am currently working on making a star pillow (which I have completed) and star blankie for a very good friend of ours who is going to have her first baby, with the support of her mother this february.

I got the idea from Crochet Me Magazine - Here's the pattern.

I have never really made anything except washcloths, and still I have found this relativley easy to make. It does require counting, but it's crocheting, so what can you expect right?

The pillow turned out absolutley adorable, I made it white on one side and baby yellow on the other and I'm not a big fan of the banana/moon so I opted for using a bigger crochet hook to make a baby blue blanket. Depending how big it is when I'm finished, I MAY even add on one of those little baby hat corner things that baby towels sometimes have...we will see.


Friday, January 05, 2007

Wow - it's 2007 already, where has the year gone?
In truth, it's hard to remember, it feels like a blur.  I'm trying to remember the big things, but the truth is I remember getting a new job that I love, spending a week in the gulf islands getting engaged with my honey, a whirlwind of wedding planning, the wedding (of course), the honeymoon and shortly after that we were well into the 2006 holiday season.
And how were the holidays?  The families were great, but between the hubby & I we were sick the entire time.  Bleh, but we are recovering...slowly but surely.
On another note, we shared in the festivities of our good friends wedding and celebrated the new year in a small hall with friends, beer (not for sick me), music and connect 4.  Other people partook in karaoke, dance dance revolution and a whole host of drunken dancing - much entertainment for the sober girl. 

All in all a good holiday season.

Happy New Years and all the best for you and yours.

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