Email Survey - Boredem at Work!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

A bunch of the numbers seem to be missing, but I am home bored anyways, so here goes:

1. What time is it? 10:27am
2. Name as it appears on your Birth Certificate? This is the internet, how about initials AMTC
3. Name most people call you? Amber
4. Parent's names? Mom and Dad
5. Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 24
6. Favorite celebrity? Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Garner
7. Favorite animal? favourite is to hard, I like dogs and cats and hedgehogs...

8...8...going once...

9. Tattoo? It's an amalgamation of things that are important to me: happiness, water, sun, earth
10. Where did you put it? Right shoulder
11. Piercing: 8 with jewelry
12. Birthplace: Richmond BC
13. Favorite vacation spot? More research is definitely needed ;)
14. Ever been to Africa? One day
15. Stolen any traffic signs? I don't think so, although I may have been with people who did...Guilty by association?
16. Ever been toilet papering: nope (that's right...Never...I tend to follow rules)
17. Ever been in a car accident? Unfortunately
18. Croutons or bacon bits? I'd rather have cheese
19. Salad Dressing? Thousand Islands (hated it as a kid though)
20. Favorite Pie? My mom's apple pie
21. Favorite Number? 6
22. Favorite Movie Of all time? Impossible to answer
23. Favorite Color? Orange!!
24. Favorite Holiday? I love the spirit but hate materialism at Christmas
25. Favorite food: mmm, probably Chinese food, likely noodles
26. Favorite restaurant: I'm not good at favourite
27. Favorite fast food: Fast food is kinda icky, I try not to enjoy it
28. Favorite drink: coffee or juice
29. Favorite ice cream: french vanilla or chocolate peanut butter
32. Favorite TV shows? Alias, Lost, L-word
33. Toothpaste? The whitening kind, Crest I think
34. Most recently read book? Started on the Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon again
35. Favorite Smell? Nature
36. Favorite Sound? Nature

you see what I mean about the missing numbers?

48. Before this one, from who did you get your last email from? There's so much damn junk mail these days
49. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? It's so hard, just one store...I heard Macy's has everything...Although the travel agency idea is pretty good too.
50. Bedtime: Around 11:15 depending how much Jon Stewart interests me
51. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire: I hate these questions
52. Last person you went out to dinner with? I can't remember, and I don't want to look for my planner
53. Ford or Chevy? I refuse to participate in this debate, I just don't care enough
54. What are you listening to right now? "Inked" on A & E is on in the background! mmm tattoos!
55. Lake, Ocean or river: Water...I'm not that picky, although lake's are the nicest for swimming
56. Which came first? God or Evolution? I don't think its a matter of what came first, but rather which you believe...I'm a scientist...EVOLUTION baby!
57. How many people are you sending this e-mail to: no one...Just posting it here
58. Furthermost place you sent this message? The internet is a big place!
59. Who will respond the fastest: likely no one
60. Least likely to respond? As above
61. What time is it now? 10:41 but I had to stop and take things out of the oven!


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

holiday schedule

Sunday, November 20, 2005

With the holidays approaching, we finally had to have the work sit down and sort out the holiday work schedule. Perhaps you are thinking, hey it would be cool if we could try and hook up over the holiday season, so here it is.

I have to work most of the week between Christmas and New Years (which is slightly disappointing, as J usually takes that week off). I do however have December 25, 26, & 27 off which is DAMN lucky considering someone has to come to work 365 days of the year, and I managed to get all three of these Christmas days off. With respect to the new year, I have Monday January 2 to Thursday January 5 off, and then I will resume my normal schedule of Monday and Tuesday's off.

So if you have something exciting planned, or would like to try and hang out over the break, those are the days I will be free, the sooner we touch base, the more likely it will all work out!

Happy Sunday...I know it's one of my favourite days of the week!!
I'm only hours away from my weekend!!


Saturday, November 19, 2005

I think the MONEY MAN (or woman, man just flows better) has been testing me this past month.

  • Just after booking a trip to Cancun, Hurricane Wilma puts a damper on our vacation plans, but it takes over two weeks before the flight is cancelled and they actually agree to give us a refund rather than a credit. I mean who would really want a credit with an airline that flies mostly in the states when you live in good old Canada?

  • OP gets sick, very sick. The initial rough estimate was about half of actual costs when you factor in all of his surgery, hospitalization and analysis. So now we have a $2100 cat, thank goodness we love him so much. And he really is so incredibly cute!

  • After paying off my mechanic bill (for getting my brakes done last month) at the beginning of November, my car decided to act up again. After arriving home from a visit to a friends house I noticed a strong rubbery smell and smoke coming from my driver side front tire. After replacing the brake calipers, drive shaft and one CV axle, I'm in for another $350.

  • J and I frequently browse the housing listings, looking for townhouses, as we know that eventually we will want to move. After seeing a flyer for a brand new townhouse unit in Surrey we decided to go on down and check it out. They were beautiful, three floors, three bedroom and den, three bathrooms (one of which is a private ensuite), approximately 1800 square feet and all for under $300,000. Unfortunately, although we would love to move somewhere new and beautiful, it would just about double our mortgage costs and we are presently lacking the funds to pay any more than we already are.

  • Oh yeah and did I mention that Christmas and the Holiday Season are just around the corner?!! We have started Christmas shopping, but have yet to put a dent in the list of things we need to buy. And of course that list is purely theoretical, we have no idea what to buy for over half of the presents.

Money...Love it when you have it, hate it when you don't.


Saturday, November 12, 2005

About a week before hurricane Wilma decided to ravage the beaches of Mexico, J and I booked a trip to Cancun. We were planning on staying at a beautiful beachfront all inclusive resort. The only complaints travelers had about the resort was that the beach was slightly rocky, but the hotel accommodated that by allowing you to visit their sister hotel which had the pristine beach front. Personally I was not concerned, as I generally prefer the peace and quiet of the pool to being attacked by peddlers on the beach.

You would think there would be no question as to getting a refund after a natural disaster such as a hurricane, but that was not exactly the case. The hotel would be easy enough to cancel out of, but our plane tickets with Continental were going to be a problem. Continental kindly decided to waive all cancellation fees however, unless our flight was cancelled there was absolutely no possibility of a refund. We could have a credit, but we had already attempted to reschedule and fly elsewhere and it was far less than convenient. Seems that to go on a sun vacation we were going to need to spend the night overnight in the states somewhere because by the time we arrived in the states we would have missed the connecting flight.

Fortunately, after a few weeks of constant anger (instead of the desired excitement about vacation) the flight was cancelled and we are now awaiting our refund. It will take a few months (because doing something right away is definitely out of the questions) but we are happy that when the time comes to reschedule we will be able to start from square one again.

We have decided to postpone the big trip for another 6-8 months, weather and work depending. We have not however, cancelled the vacation altogether. Instead we are just going to take a couple days off work and head out to Galiano Island where we are going to rent a waterfront cabin, sit in a hot tub and relax.

I can't wait to get out into nature and have nothing to do but spend time with my man, read a book and relax. Our vacation is finally starting to come together.

God & the Canadian Government

I found this in my email inbox the other day...something to think about at the least!

So if the CANADIAN government determines that it is against
the law for the words "under God" to be on our money, then,
so be it.

And if that same government decides that the "Ten
Commandments" are not to be used in or on a government
installation, then, so be it.

And since they already have prohibited any prayer in the
schools, on which they deem their authority, then so be it.

I say, "so be it," because I would like to be a law abiding
Canadian citizen

I say, "so be it," because I would like to think that smarter
people than I are in positions to make good decisions.

I would like to think that those people have the Canadian
Public's best interests at heart.


Since we can't pray to God, can't Trust in God and cannot
post His Commandments in Government buildings, I don't
believe the Government and its employees should
participate in the Easter and Christmas... celebrations
which honor the God that our government is eliminating
from many facets of Canadian life.

I'd like my mail delivered on Christmas, Good Friday,
Thanksgiving & Easter. After all, it's just another day.

I'd like our Government to be in session on Christmas,
Good Friday,Thanksgiving & Easter as well as Sundays.
After all, it's just another day.

I'd like ALL Representatives to not have to worry about
getting home for the "Christmas Break." After all,
it's just another day.

I'm thinking that a lot of my taxpayer dollars could be saved,
if all government offices & services would work on Christmas,
Good Friday & Easter. It shouldn't cost any overtime since
those would be just like any other day of the week to a
government that is trying to be "politically correct."

In fact...

I think that our government should work on Sundays (initially
set aside for worshipping God...) because, after all, our
government says that it should be just another day....

What do you all think?

If this idea gets to enough people, maybe our elected
officials will stop giving in to the minority opinions and
begin, once again, to represent the majority" of ALL of
the people. SO BE IT...........

Halloween, OP and a visitor!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

The last week feels as if it has been fairly busy, but perhaps its in my head. J and I managed to escape Halloween without having to don any silly costumes. We did however, head over to see his little nephews who were dressed as a Ninja and Zorro and were absolutely adorable. I didn't have to turn any kids away from the front door--which I definitely do if they are not dressed up--so overall I would say it was a successful Halloween. I also feel the need to point out that we DID NOT bring any Halloween candy into our home...kudos for us!

OP had his re-check at the vet on Tuesday and fortunately his wounds were looking good, so the doctors removed his stitches. Unfortunately, they also decided that we should give him another week of the pills I had JUST FINISHED giving him. So I'm still cramming pills down his throat three times a day and he is now fighting me on it with much more conviction; my hand has a few scratches from his attempts to bat my hand away, but of course now I just hold his paw down.

Seems Tuesday was a big day, as J's good friend K flew in from Mexico, arriving at the airport just after midnight. She has been living in Peurto Vallarta for about 4 years and has made the decision to give away her material goods and travel the world helping people to heal themselves from within. At her request we watched the movie "What the bleep do we know" which tries to tie together science and spirituality through the concepts of quantum physics. It was a very thought provoking movie, but I think I will need to watch it at least one more time before I form any conclusions of my own.

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